According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle accidents continue to be a major public health concern, with over 5,000 motorcyclists killed in crashes in 2020. The number of motorcycle accident injuries is also alarmingly high, with thousands of motorcyclists suffering serious injuries each year.
Read MoreAn image depicting a car equipped with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) on a road, showcasing the technology being leveraged to improve road safety and reduce car accident injuries in Oregon.
Read MoreThis article discusses the risks associated with commercial truck accidents and how to protect yourself. It covers the importance of securing loads, safety regulations, and how to reduce crash risks.
Read MoreThis blog post discusses the most common types of dog bite injuries and provides safety tips for preventing these incidents while outlining appropriate response measures.
Read MoreSpeed, alcohol and drug use, and distracted driving are major factors that contribute to pedestrian fatalities from drivers. Interventions such as speed cameras, Complete Streets policies, and automated enforcement technologies can help reduce the number of pedestrian fatalities.
Read MoreExplore the sobering statistics and tragic reality of drunk driving accidents in Oregon and across the United States. Learn about the legal consequences for drunk drivers, the justice victims deserve, and how we can work together to prevent these senseless incidents.
Read MoreDistracted driving is a growing concern, leading to over 4,000 fatalities and 400,000 injuries in 2020, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Cell phone use while driving and eating or drinking while driving are major causes of distractions leading to crashes. Interventions to reduce distracted driving include laws prohibiting cell phone use while driving, increasing public awareness, and using hands-free devices. To make roads safer, it is crucial to address distractions and reduce the number of crashes caused by distracted driving.
Read MoreThis article examines the risks of commercial truck accidents caused by driver fatigue and how to protect yourself. It covers how to spot signs of fatigue in drivers, what laws are in place, and steps you can take to stay safe.
Read MoreRecent studies have revealed a startling increase in pedestrian accident injuries in the past year. This alarming trend has sparked considerable concern among public safety officials.
Read MoreDrunk driving is responsible for nearly 30% of all traffic fatalities in the US, according to the CDC. This article offers statistics on drunk driving and prevention tips such as planning ahead, not letting friends drive after drinking, being aware of surroundings, and calling 911 if necessary. In Oregon, injured parties may seek compensation from establishments that served alcohol to visibly intoxicated customers under dram shop laws.
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