Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

How Does Personal Injury Protection Insurance Apply in Oregon Bicycle Accident Cases?
Can I still get compensated if I was partly at fault in a bicycle accident in Oregon?
What compensation is available for bicycle accident victims in Oregon?
How does Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance work in Oregon for vehicle accidents?
How Does a Personal Injury Law Firm Assist in Oregon Bicycle Accident Cases?
How does a personal injury case work in Oregon?
How does bicycle equipment and maintenance impact your case in an Oregon bicycle accident?
How does Oregon's dram shop law affect my drunk driving accident claim?
How does a hit-and-run bicycle accident impact my personal injury claim in Oregon?
How does Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance aid in Oregon pedestrian injury cases?
What compensation is available for slip and fall injuries in Oregon?
How Can an Oregon Personal Injury Law Firm Assist with My Pedestrian Injury Case?

Oregon Personal Injury Law Blog

We work hard to stay up to date on the law and developments in Oregon injury law that may help our clients. Our firm maintains a policy of "information first" for the client, so we make every effort to share information with the public and clients. Our blog covers topics from the frequently asked questions (FAQs) that Oregon injury Lawyers encounter to news headlines that impact attorneys who help injured people. If there is a topic you would like to see covered, let us know, and we'll add it to our list of subject matter!

Understanding the Legal Impact of Drunk Driving Accidents in Oregon | Best Oregon Injury Attorneys

Understanding The Legal Impact Of Drunk Driving Accidents In Oregon

Learn about the legal consequences of drunk driving in Oregon, where the issue is taken seriously due to high rates of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities. Offenders can face serious penalties, including fines and jail time. Victims of drunk driving injuries may also be eligible for compensation, but navigating complex laws requires experienced personal injury lawyers like those at Pacific Injury Law Firm. They handle all types of motor vehicle accidents caused by impaired drivers and can help victims pursue justice against those responsible.

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Confronting the Grim Statistics of Drunk Driving Accidents in Oregon | Top Oregon Injury Attorneys

Confronting The Grim Statistics Of Drunk Driving Accidents In Oregon

Explore the sobering statistics and tragic reality of drunk driving accidents in Oregon and across the United States. Learn about the legal consequences for drunk drivers, the justice victims deserve, and how we can work together to prevent these senseless incidents.

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Navigating the Aftermath of Drunk Driving Accidents: Risks and Legal Consequences | Top-Rated Oregon Injury Lawyers

Navigating The Aftermath Of Drunk Driving Accidents: Risks And Legal Consequences

This blog post delves into the dangers of drunk driving, including legal consequences for drivers and physical and emotional consequences for victims. The article offers tips on how to avoid drunk driving accidents, such as designating a sober driver or using public transportation. Additionally, the post encourages those who have been injured in a drunk-driving accident to seek out experienced attorneys for help recovering compensation.

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Analyzing the Financial Impact of Drunk Driving Accidents in Oregon | Top Oregon Injury Attorneys

Analyzing The Financial Impact Of Drunk Driving Accidents In Oregon

This article examines the financial cost of drunk driving accidents and the burden it places on victims, their families, and society as a whole. It considers medical costs, legal fees, lost wages, and other expenses associated with these incidents.

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The Aftermath of Drunk Driving Accidents: A Guide to Navigating the Legal System | Top-Rated Oregon Injury Attorneys

The Aftermath Of Drunk Driving Accidents: A Guide To Navigating The Legal System

This guide provides an overview of the legal system and what to expect after a drunk driving accident. It offers advice on handling the aftermath, including insurance matters and steps to take for those affected.

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Asserting Your Legal Rights Against Drunk Drivers in Oregon: A Comprehensive Guide | Top Oregon Injury Attorneys

Asserting Your Legal Rights Against Drunk Drivers In Oregon: A Comprehensive Guide

This article explains a person's legal rights when involved in an accident with a drunk driver. It emphasizes the importance of holding such drivers accountable for their actions and provides guidance on how to do so.

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Cracking Down on Drunk Drivers Causing Injury: Oregon's Legal Approach | Top Oregon Injury Attorneys

Cracking Down On Drunk Drivers Causing Injury: Oregon's Legal Approach

Oregon has made significant strides in increasing legal action against drunk drivers causing injury, with recent legislation doubling jail time for offenders and allowing prosecutors to charge DUI offenses as felonies. Pacific Injury Law Firm supports these efforts and offers assistance to victims seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages.

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Practice Areas

Learn more about the types of injuries our Attorneys help with.

Car Accident Injury

Car accidents turn lives upside down, leaving a trail of injuries and medical bills. In the chaotic aftermath, let us guide you through the legal maze and secure the compensation you deserve.

Commercial Truck Accident Injury

Big trucks often mean significant accidents. When one of these beasts of the road goes off script, it can cause huge damage. Let us navigate the complexities of commercial insurance.

Wrongful Death

Wrongful death cases are some of the hardest matters to handle for clients because money cannot replace a loved one. However, after death from negligence, financial recovery can help the family move f

Personal Injury

Discover expert personal injury legal support with Pacific Injury Law Firm in Oregon. Specializing in securing compensation for the injured, we navigate the complexities of the law, so you focus on re

Pedestrian Accident Injury

Sometimes you don't even have to be driving to be in a car accident. Did you know that car insurance can and does cover pedestrian accidents? We do. Let us help.

Motorcycle Accident Injury

Discover expert representation for motorcycle accident injuries in Oregon with Pacific Injury Law Firm. Our dedicated attorneys specialize in overcoming biases and securing maximum compensation for mo

Premises Liability

Stores and places open to the public have a duty to keep you safe. If negligence causes slips, trips, burns, breaks, or falls, we can help.

Bicycle Accident Injury

In Oregon's cycling community, accidents impact deeply. Our lawyers focus on swift insurance claims for injured cyclists. You focus on recovery; we'll get you back in the saddle financially.

Oregon Drunk Driver Accident Injury

Drunk driving accidents shatter lives. We're here to hold offenders accountable and fight for your recovery every step of the way.

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